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Finding Purpose In An Abandoned Ghost Town | Brent Underwood



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Ryan talks with American entrepreneur and ghost town miner Brent Underwood. They discuss identifying and following your path, the history of Cerro Gordo, Brent’s latest book Ghost Town Living: Mining for Purpose and Chasing Dreams at the Edge of Death Valley, and more. 

Brent Underwood is the owner of Cerro Gordo, an original boomtown silver mine, established in 1865. Brent currently lives on a mountain above Death Valley with no running water, seven cats, six goats, and at least one ghost.

Get a limited edition, signed copy of Ghost Town Living: Mining for Purpose and Chasing Dreams at the Edge of Death Valley from The Painted Porch. 

Youtube: @GhostTownLiving

IG: @BrentWUnderwood

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