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Introduction Not to be confused with the Peripatetic philosopher Aristo of Ceos, Aristo of Chios was a Greek Stoic philosopher, lecturer, and student-turned-contemporary of the more well-known Stoic philosopher Zeno.  When exactly he was born and when he died are uncertain, but he lived and worked during the 3rd Century BCE. We do know that […]


More than a thousand years ago, the famed Roman Stoic philosopher Seneca wrote to his friend, Lucilius Junior, the procurator of Sicily, “Every time you go out, your old desires are stirred anew, even before you reach your destination.” To him, traveling often was a sure sign that one’s mind was uneasy and unsettled. It […]


What do successful people have in common? They’re hardworking, sure. They’re motivated. They have a vision. Interestingly, an overwhelming number of them also have a morning routine. Jack Dorsey, CEO of Square and the founder of Twitter, meditates every morning and then jogs six miles. Jeff Bezos refuses to accept early morning meetings, preferring instead […]


Deep down we all know that there is more we could do and be. Indeed, most remorse comes from knowing that we could’ve handled a particular situation better than we did. We flip out on our kids over something minimal and then torment ourselves with guilt over it for days after. We have a deadline […]