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The Four Stoic Virtues | Real-Life Role Models to Inspire You



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Courage, discipline, justice, and wisdom are not just abstract concepts from Stoic history, they are virtues that are still embodied by individuals today. In 2024, several guests on The Daily Stoic podcast demonstrated these principles, not as theoretical philosophers, but as real people who actively apply these Stoic values in their lives.

Courage: Colonel (retired) Martha McSally, former U.S. Congresswoman and U.S. Senator, and author of Dare to Fly: Simple Lessons in Never Giving Up

Listen to Martha’s full episode: Why You Should Run Towards Your Fear

You can follow her on Instagram @marthamcsally

Discipline: Texas A&M Men’s Basketball Head Coach, Buzz Williams

Listen to Buzz Williams’ full episode: Be An Everyday Person

Watch Buzz Williams’ full episode on YouTube 

Follow Buzz Williams on Instagram: @TeamCoachBuzz and on X: @TeamCoachBuzz.

Justice: Sharon McMahon is a former high school government teacher who now runs the non-partisan, fact-based Instagram account @sharonsaysso and is the bestselling author of The Small and the Mighty.

Listen to Sharon McMahon’s full episode on The Unsung Americans Who Altered the Course of History

Check out Sharon’s podcast Here’s Where It Gets Interesting and follow her on Instagram @SharonSaysSo and on X @Sharon_Says_So

Wisdom: Mark Matousek is a teacher, speaker and bestselling author of Lessons from an American Stoic: How Emerson Can Change Your Life.

Listen to Mark Matousek’s full episode Self-Reliance and the Confidence in Trusting Your Inner Wisdom 

You can follow him on IG: @mark.matousek and @theseekersforum

📚 Check out the Virtue Series 3-Book Bundle which includes Ryan Holiday’s books: Courage is Calling, Discipline is Destiny, and Right Thing, Right Now

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