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Jason Singer Of Michigander On The Reality Of Being A Rock Star



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Ryan speaks with Jason Singer of the band Michigander about he and his wife getting back on track after a series of injuries, the humbling experience of asking for help and paying it forward, the realities of being a professional rock musician, the power of art to give the artist a healthy outlet, and more.

Jason Singer is the creator, frontman, and songwriter for the indie rock band Michigander. A Michigan native and self-taught multi-instrumentalist, Singer founded Michigander in the early 2010s and gained wide acclaim in 2016 with the singles “Nineties,” which garnered over a million online streams. The band has released three EPs and a string of singles since then. Michigander’s music, merch, and tour dates can be found on their website, and on Instagram @michiganderband.

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