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David Rubenstein on Investing and Designing the Optimal Life



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This episode comes out for free on 10/12/2022

Ryan talks to David Rubenstein about his new book How to Invest, his experiences working for President Jimmy Carter, how design your life for happiness and productivity, and more.

David Mark Rubenstein is an American billionaire businessman. Former government official and lawyer. A Co-Founder and Co-Chairman of The Carlyle Group, one of the world’s largest and most successful private investment firms. Mr. Rubenstein co-founded the firm in 1987. Also the host of The David Rubenstein Show: Peer-to-Peer Conversations on Bloomberg TV and PBS.

📕 Ryan Holiday’s new book “Discipline Is Destiny” is out now! We’ve extended the pre-order bonuses for the next week—among them is a signed and numbered page from the original manuscript of the book. You can learn more about those and how to receive them over at

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