When you think philosophy, you don’t usually think successful business titans, but maybe you should.

Around 304 BC, a wealthy and successful merchant named Zeno was shipwrecked on a trading voyage. He lost nearly everything. Making his way to Athens, he was introduced to philosophy by Crates of Thebes, a famous Cynic, which changed his life. Within a few years, Stoic philosophy would be born. As Zeno later joked, “I made a prosperous voyage when I suffered shipwreck.”

There was another famous Stoic named Seneca, a man so wealthy that when he called in some of his loans to the Roman colony in Britain, it crashed their economy and sparked off a rebellion. Charlie Munger, Warren Buffet’s number two at Berkshire Hathaway, is a Seneca fan and quotes him often. The investor Nassim Taleb loves the Stoics, too, and oil and gas billionaire Thomas Kaplan funds a course on Stoicism at Brown University.

If you are a student of the men and women who have conquered the heights of business, you will inevitably find that they have incorporated — knowingly or not — many of the life principles and standards of behavior espoused by Stoicism, a philosophy designed for solving life’s problems and leading a good life.

As investor and entrepreneur Tim Ferriss describes it, Stoic philosophy is “a simple and immensely practical set of rules for better results with less effort” and “an ideal operating system for thriving in high-stress environments.”

Which is why you should add their type of thinking to your repertoire. Below are seven exercises in Stoic thinking taken from my site The Daily Stoic (and the DailyStoic.com’s daily email) that will help you reach the heights of success — both in business and, more importantly, in your personal life.